PC-Web Synchronization Icon
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Tags: gray icons, icons all the same, switch icon, small hand icon, icons baldev
- It seems to you important? - The architect has asked.
- Yes. I guess, but acknowledgement is necessary. It is essential me
It is necessary for deeper understanding of last spiritual life Jan.
- Well. I learn, - have promised Gahden, - and now I leave. It is necessary
To prepare a premise and explorers.
The architect has disappeared in darkness, without lighting a lantern. Faj Rodis has solved
This Taelju, but the engineer has minded:
- What matters: with light or without light if you can
To force people not to notice you?
- And to result behind itself those who will disappear in the lateral
Transitions out of my attention?
- I, probably, never will learn to think, how earth dwellers. At first -
About others, then - about itself. From people - to itself - such is a course almost everyone
Your reasoning. And you smile to all passers, and we, on the contrary,
Arrogant kind we hide fear of a sneer or the insult. Ours
Roughness all time gives out a low mental standard of living in fear.
Between you and us a polar difference, - with bitterness Tael has told.
- But not so serious, - Rodis, - it with me has smiled
To consider steps and turns. Or you too should leave?
- No. I wish to spend the alarm system to your rooms.
They went some time silently. It helped the engineer
To fix the most thin wire.
- Grey Angela wishes to meet you, - Tael has told.
- Angela? Moreover grey?
- Very ancient secret society. We thought that it has stopped
The activity during Centuries of Blossoming. It appears, they
Existed, but stayed idle. Now, as they speak, yours it
Restores them to life. Appointment to you is necessary.
- Sanctuary of Three Steps and Grey Angela, - has thoughtfully said
- , - it is surprising! Really all it was here again?
- What exactly?
- I will tell then when Gahden will extract data on Three Steps and I
I will see Grey Angela.
Faj Rodis has spent the rest of day, considering the further actions.
Eighteen days its companions get acquainted with an everyday life
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