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The investment in a science. This book has called into question outlook of generation and
Has little by little changed thinking of many. Members of the Viennese circle were not pupils
- . The majority have come to it already having finished an economic education, and
Only gradually they could accept its not sample sights. Probably, on them
Its discouraging habit correctly has not to a lesser degree affected
To expect bad consequences of current economic policy, than
Persuasiveness of arguments. It hardly expected that they will accept all it
Sights, and discussions very much won from this resistance. "School Mizesa"
Has arisen only later when it has finished development of the doctrine about company.
The openness of system enriched its ideas, and has given the chance to some from
Its followers to develop them in a bit different direction. About Privatseminar and
Its participants the Prologue to a part 1, esp. pp. 14 - 17. - it. It., op. cit., the last section of this chapter see. See also
Craver and pp. 1 - 32
Arguments of Mizesa was not so easily to apprehend. At times were required personal
Contacts and discussions that completely them to understand. Thus that they were
Are stated transparent and it is deceptive a simple language, studying it was required also
Understanding of economic processes - quality not the most frequent. This difficulty
It is especially clear in a case with the basic argument - about impossibility economic
Calculations at a socialism. At reading of opponents of Mizesa there is an impression,
That they actually do not understand - these calculations [especially what for are necessary
Considerably it at Oskar Lange, "On the Economic Theory of Socialism", Review of
Economic Studies, vol. 4, no. 1, 1936 and vol. 4 no. 2, 1937; Fred M. Taylor,
"The Guidance of Production in a Socialist State", American Economic Review,
vol. 19, 1929; Aba P. Lerner, The Economics of Control: Principles of Welfare
Economics (New York: Macmillan, 1944); Introduction to given to that - see also
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