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Image sizes: 256x256, 64x64, 48x48, 40x40, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: google maps icon image, in love icons, for frontbase image to icon, create online now icon, icon table generator

And more one formula: My body is a car, and the same car it at me behind a belt, the same car lays down in my hand... It it my tool for struggle against this world. When you will enter into yourselves this installation really become the mechanism operating on reflexes, so, the ideal mechanism. Now we will a little talk about aim shooting from a rifle.

Rifle. If it is required to execute from it one jeweller shot I would choose it a small-caliber rifle. Why it? it Because internal responsibility for a unique shot stimulates concentration and a strong-willed spirit of the marksman. Really, at your order only one shot; only time you can press descent. And consequently your internal responsibility for a shot will be immeasurably above, than in that case, when at you in a stock the whole holder. If you correctly choose and will spend psychological installations comprehension of that fact that your possibilities are settled by a unique shot, will promote its surprising accuracy.

Every possible modern it it laser tseleukaza-teli, shock-absorbers, powerful it "optics" and many other things it I do not recognise. From these "improvements" I suppose unless an easy optical sight it and that only for a distant shot. But is better it simply small-caliber rifle, usual it.

For masterly shooting from it the same principles and receptions about which I already spoke will approach. To hold the breath, slowly and smoothly to pull descent, to trace bullet flight, feeling it, to feel, where it will get - all it, I hope, you have already acquired. And, of course, the psychological installations connected with sensation of the unity with the weapon and his soul, with feeling of own divine power and unreality of any psychological barriers to a shot it all of them "work" without dependence that for you in hands it a pistol or a knife, a cudgel or a grenade cup discharge. But at shooting from a rifle special value gets the sensation of the body allowing correctly to choose an emphasis. The matter is that the unification suffices for stable well-aimed shooting from this concerning the bulky and heavy weapon or the union only with it; by all means it is necessary to connect to this union still something such, on what the body can lean to get necessary stability and it. It can be and your own elbow, both a window sill, and any parapet it everything that can guarantee stability of the weapon at a shot.

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