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Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16, 512x512
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: creative commons web icons, icon by alila, fashion icon 2008, icons longhorn, pictogram icon

All aforesaid makes «a syndrome of senseless check» the client. He feels much more convenient with the fixed fee. Asking you about that, he tries to shift financial risk on you. It is easy to understand its such desire. The client always will pay much less under the hourly tariff, than under any preliminary established fixed fee.

Here it is necessary to be very cautious. The first – never "to act rashly" (arriving so to itself put a spoke in a wheel). Let the client asks you about the fee. It does not mean at all that you should speak about it at once. Tell to it that attentively study the project and only after that will specify in the offer the fee. Then come back in the office and try to count all as proceeding from all before the explained reasons, you really do not know, into what bank can run, and what is the time will take away the project.

Certainly, you should make any assumptions. After that add 50 more % by those o'clock which you are going to to work. Increase the final sum of hours by the hourly payment is and there will be a norm of your fixed fee. For example, if your fee makes $100 at an o'clock, and you assume that the project will occupy from you 100 hours in your new estimate there will be 150 hours and $15.000 of the fee.

After the client has moved risk on you, it is necessary for you to reduce that to a minimum. From here and your norm which is switching on the hourly estimate taking into account inflation. It was more than once said that vision of the client, even if it wrong should be considered, first of all. He after all is mistaken, employing the professional to whom does not trust. You can easily notice that the client would save the considerable sum of money if has invited you to job with hourly payment.

Probably, thanks to the competence and efficiency you can finish the project ahead of time, specified in the offer. The client can ask to reduce because of it the sum of your fee. You should refuse and politely to remind what exactly he has asked about the fixed fee. And if time spent by you has exceeded specified in the contract, he would not pay to you cent over the contract sum. Besides, it is impossible to fine for efficiency at task performance.

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