Tags: beyond images photography, image prints, microsoft image writer printer, radiological images, search image Trees with fruits of Eternal Wisdom, on coast of Waters of the Life, in which bosom Has a rest, the sun. These waters gave immortality to gods or titans. And not Whether there were titans inhabitants of last limits of the world? Aristotle has sent with special messengers the new reasonings for The pupil. Alexander, of course, has not had time to read them during a heavy campaign On heights of Parapamiza and Bactria. Now he reflected over the writing of the great The philosopher also it was divided by doubts with Ptolemeem. Aristotle before in every possible way Encouraged aspirations of the commander on the east, towards to a chariot of Geliosa, and in Last works it it Alexander from unconditional belief in the ancient Myths to which was so the son of the Olympic Games is inclined. Aristotle wrote that it Whether Alexander will meet supernatural beings, for anybody from Serious travellers did not meet godlike people or Humanoid gods in all known Ojkumene. Alexander only grinned. For it traces Dionisa found it in - , seemed more convincing than sophistical reasonings of an old wise man... it has once again reminded Tais of a meeting in Babylon and asked not To bring there, to a hot climate, the son. He promised to tell much Interesting about the countries, never it even mythical heroes. Already now it has passed further Dionisa, and swimming of Argonauts to Colchis, On calculation of Nearha, was three times shorter than a way done by army overland Through obstacles where resistance of enemies, much more is heavier also The numerous. it wrote from a valley of the Matchmaker where "morning fogs sparkle In millions pearls over groves of the low trees covered is dense-pink Colours. The fast river rushes emerald water on lilac stones, coast Are bordered by is bright-blue colours - the wide border stretched to The gentle slopes which have grown with trees of the improbable sizes, what never Meet in Ellade and can be comparable only with cedars of Phoenicia and Cilicia. But those grow in breadth, and these is up, raising dark green