Tags: p2verror unknown_method_fault sysimage fault, background image stretch, phoenix technologies imagecast, dacia images, image of fabric Tents has obediently stopped. Ahead, on the field filled in with the sun, motionlessly there was a high Juicy grass. Dew drops sparkled on leaves, on fluffy hats It is sweet smelling white colours, on conic lilac inflorescences Ivan-tea. The insects warmed under the morning sun, efficiently Buzzed over a high grass. Further wood, it shells three years Back, scattered a shade of the greens which have been broken through rough and frequent The gleams reminding of slowly closed wounds of war. A field Was full violent vegetative life. But there, in a thick it grasses, The death which yet has been not destroyed, not won by time disappeared and The nature. Quickly growing grass has hidden the covered with wounds earth, it shells, Mines and the bombs, ploughed by caterpillars of the tanks, covered with splinters and Watered with blood... Tents has seen the broken tanks. Semihidden by a tall weeds, they it is gloomy Stooped among a blossoming field, with streams of a red rust on To the unwrapped reservation, with the raised or lowered guns. To the right, in To small hollow, three cars which have scorched and motionless blackened. German guns looked directly at Shatrova, as if dead rage and now Still forced them to direct to white and fresh birches furiously Edges. Further, on the small hill, one tank it, having approached on The car overturned on one side. Behind ivan-tea thickets the part was visible only Its towers with an is dirty-white cross. On the left wide spotty it The weight "it" declined downwards the long trunk of the tool rolling The end in a grass thick. The blossoming field was not crossed by any footpath, any trace The person or an animal it was not visible in a dense thicket of a tall weeds, a sound Did not reach therefrom. Only disturbed it sharply cracked somewhere Above yes tractor noise from afar reached. The major has climbed up the tumbled down tree trunk and long stood Motionlessly. The driver of the major was silent also.