Tags: boltanski images, rockets images, geode images, digital image processing new, saxy girl images "Epidemic. - she has shortly answered. Has a little kept silent and has added - - . On my taste, it is the most mean dirty trick what in general can To occur. Even if the world would fail... You Know, it would be somehow "Gigienichnee?! - I have dizzily asked again. - well you give!" "You will see all. - Tehhi has softly told. - Generally I would prefer To know that you still gad on the Nayward, and do not gather To come back. But probably you cannot follow to my advice. It is considered, That Secret Investigation exists that all to rescue, and all that sort of thing... And Now it is a high time to attend to rescue of all interested persons, so that also you "And it means that I cannot return to you tonight. - It is sad I have added. - both tomorrow morning, and, who knows, the day after tomorrow... Not The most good news!" "You in any case cannot return to me - anyway, while All it will not end. - Tehhi Has responded. - In a city epidemic, Max. And it Means that each escapes, as can... The Majority of townspeople were locked in The cellars, and I among them. In the small closed premise it is easier To resist to illness. Anyway, at some it is received. I hope, as my power will suffice not to let in the house this Infection!" - Excuse, Max, but we should hurry. - sir Shurf cautiously Has shaken me for a shoulder. - finish the conversation, all right? You have already found out that Lady Tehhi is live - at present this only thing that matters! - Yes, certainly. - it is obedient I have agreed. - now, Shurf. It is necessary for me To say goodbye. He has nodded tactfully left an office. "Max, you cannot talk to me any more? - Has knowingly asked - . It is not terrible. Now I know that you are live, the rest has no all Significances..." "I will often speak with you while all it will not end, all right?" - I have for some reason asked. It is possible to think that Tehhi could have a sudden Disgust for conversations with me!