Tags: new toolbar icons, one point perspective images, creed image, tomtom poi image, elk images - And how you define, what wish to visit a lavatory? - It is malicious He has burst out laughing. Has then added a bit more seriously: It is really similar, Max. You feel that to you was impatient to remain on this place - and all. It is impossible to be mistaken, as well as in a case from a lavatory! it has again burst out laughing: probably, he was delighted with the own Comparisons. Still laughing, it has lowered to me on shoulders improbably heavy, Warm hands. Precisely same pair of hands already lay on my shoulders: behind stood Mysterious double Melifaro, I felt its hot breath on the neck. - I will remember you. - have passionlessly told the whole two voices. - And where you will get to! - Fyrknnul I. Has turned and has fast walked in Darkness, thoughtlessly rejoicing to that last word all the same remains For me. I felt quiet and almost happy - so always happens, When I at last agree with that fact that I already definitively was stuck in The next history and to recede to me there is no place... I long enough went on a dark corridor, without assorting road. In Any moment to me needed to be curtailed to the left, and I and have made. For Turn it was still dark, but it was other darkness: the impenetrable Darkness of a mysterious uninhabited place. And in some instants Darkness was replaced by such amazing modulations of transparent light that The head around went. The nayward of Eho has appeared before me in all Magnificence. Every time when I come to this strange place, it seems To me that I already saw before, but today is perfect other, not similar... It was something especial! - Thanks. - I have told aloud. I spoke absolutely sincerely: my voice Broke from admiration, as a voice of the child, suddenly received those Gifts to birthday of which long dreamt, but was not decided to ask... I have a little more admired indescribable vicinities and have fast walked On shining streets of a delightful deserted copy of Eho: to me followed